Integration of Acupuncture with Western medicine is the future for fertility/ infertility treatments. Combining the knowledge of acupuncture with modern medicine has improved our methods for treating fertility/ infertility. There is no sure treatment, but you do have a choice. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can be used independently or in combination with Western Medicine. Whatever method or combination of methods you use should be a choice that you feel comfortable with.
We offer an effective medical system for fertility/ infertility utilizing Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, which is natural and safe. It is our purpose to offer our patients our dedication, experience and integrity to insure the best chances for an effective treatment for fertility/ infertility. Our Acupuncture clinic in Pasadena, CA serves the Los Angeles, CA area, including Arcadia, Burbank, Glendale, El Monte, Eagle Rock, Highland Park, South Pasadena, San Marino and surrounding areas.